A Wishbone, a Backbone, and a Funny Bone

July 11, 2024

Life is hard, and it is not always fair. However, humor can go a long way to making life more fun and meaningful. Here are some interesting quotes. “When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.” - Cathy Guisewite. “To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.” - Reba McEntire. “Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.” -Mark Twain. “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.” - Theodore Roosevelt. “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?” - George Carlin. “If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.” - Steven Wright. “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.” - Katharine Hepburn.

Of course, I find God’s wisdom and guidance in scripture to be the best way to live a life of joy, even though it can be hard and unfair. In II Corinthians 5:17-18 the apostle Paul writes, “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation…”

Faith in God’s power of reconciliation is our hope in a troubled and pain-filled world. We see this power when we see people ask for, and receive, forgiveness from one another. Have you ever seen the power of forgiveness and reconciliation? I did, and I will never forget what happened, and how it changed two people’s lives.

A friend, Gerald, knew all about the sinful and pain-filled world. It was his world, and, unfortunately, his senses deceived him often as to the source of his problem-his addiction to alcohol. One of the best places to get help with alcoholism is in Alcoholics Anonymous, a place where people know they need each other, and they need God to find sobriety.

When Gerald finally admitted that he had a problem, he was sold on the 12-step program of sobriety AA promotes. The first three steps he put to memory quickly: 1) Admit that one is powerless over alcohol. 2) Come to believe that a power, greater than oneself, can restore the alcoholic to sanity. 3) Make a decision to turn one’s will and life over to the care of God (Paraphrased from Alcoholics Anonymous, pp. 59).

But, Step Nine derailed his recovery. Do you know what step nine is? I didn’t either until I saw how it changed Gerald’s life. Gerald was always the life of the party. A nice guy, usually. But I never understood why he was so mean to his sister, Paige. Growing up he was both verbally and physically abusive to Paige and she clearly feared him.

As an adult, when Gerald became an alcoholic, it seemed he was going through one tragedy after another: jail, committed to a mental institution and a failed marriage. Through it all he just dabbled in AA.

Finally, he confronted Step Nine: Ask forgiveness from all the people you have harmed. I know this because Gerald finally got up the courage to call Paige and ask her for forgiveness for the way he had treated her and, as they talked, they both sobbed on the phone.

That is the power that God has through forgiveness and reconciliation. Forgiveness made new creations out of this brother and sister. Their distant relationship grew close, quickly. Gerald is a noticeably different person now and he is committed to his sobriety. I was a different person for having seen the power of forgiveness in these friends’ lives.

Do you depend too much on alcohol, drugs, sexual impurity, the internet, gambling, or some other activity to get you through hard times? If you are not sure then ask yourself the following questions: Do you make excuses for over indulging? Do you blame others for your own problems? When life gets hard do you look for ways to escape? Where can you go to get help? Call a pastor or some other trusted health care professional to get connected with people that can help.

Is there someone in your life who needs to be made a new creation by forgiveness? When was the last time you prayed to God to open the doors of reconciliation with that person? Is there something you need to change about yourself that may change the dynamic between yourself and that other person? Ask God for courage, and may the power of reconciliation make new creations out of you and someone you care about.